Resources for Reporting Concerns

At the University of Richmond, it is our priority to make sure that your voice is heard and respected. Active communication about incidents on campus, student concerns, and misconduct supports student success and ensures a safe educational environment. This page is the hub for reporting any incidents or concerns to appropriate University officials. If you see or hear something that gives you cause for concern, please report it.

If you believe that a situation you are reporting is an emergency and requires immediate attention, please call URPD at (804) 289-8911.

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  • Bias Incidents

    The University defines bias incidents as acts that do not constitute a crime or discrimination or harassment, as defined by University policies, but which may intimidate, mock, degrade, or threaten, individuals or groups and which one could reasonably conclude targets a member or group within the University community because of that individual or group’s actual or perceived age, ancestry or ethnicity, color, creed, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, immigration or citizenship status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, religious practice, or sexual orientation. Learn more about Bias Reporting & Response.

    Report a Bias Incident

  • Compliance Concern

    Members of the University community are encouraged to discuss compliance-related questions or concerns directly with their supervisor, department chairs, deans, directors, or other members of the University administration. The University has also established the Ethics and Compliance Helpline, a confidential reporting mechanism where members of the campus community may report potential compliance concerns online or by phone at 804-287-8100.

    The Ethics and Compliance Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

    The Ethics and Compliance Helpline should not be used for emergencies. For emergencies, please call the University of Richmond Police Department at 804-289-8911.

    For additional information, visit the Compliance Office.

    Report a Compliance Concern

  • Crimes

    If you have been the victim/survivor of or witness to a crime, we encourage you to report to the UR Police and/or the University Title IX office. Please note that any University employee who is designated as a Campus Security Authority under the Clery Act is required to report crimes to URPD.

    • Emergency: 804-289-8911
    • Non-Emergency: 804-289-8715
    • Off-campus emergency: 911

    Members of the campus community make an anonymous report using the URSpiderSafe mobile app, which is available in the app store for iPhone and Android.

    University employees who are designated as Campus Security Authorities may not report anonymously.

    For additional information about reporting a crime, visit the Police Department.

    Report a Crime

  • Crimes - Campus Security Authority (CSA)

    If you are a Campus Security Authority (CSA), you must submit a reporting form any time a reportable incident is reported to you. This form will be used to track statistics in order to comply with federal law. For questions, contact Eric Beatty at or (804)289-8723. For more information, visit the Police Department.

    If this incident has the potential to be an imminent or ongoing threat to the community, do not fill out this form. Call URPD at (804) 289-8911 immediately.

    Campus Security Authority (CSA) Reporting Form

  • Cybersecurity Incident Reporting

    This policy outlines the steps personnel must follow as the initial response to a security incident involving the unauthorized access to University systems or data. Reports of data compromises and the exposure of personal or restricted information seem to occur with increasing frequency. The University of Richmond takes great care to safeguard data and privacy; however, if the University experiences such an event, we must be prepared to act quickly.

    If you have a confirmed or suspected security breach:

  • Discrimination and Harassment

    The University defines discrimination as inequitable treatment by the University or its Affiliates based on an individual’s Protected Status that adversely affects a term or condition of an individual’s employment or limits or denies an individual’s opportunity to participate in or benefit from a University program or activity.

    The University defines harassment as unwelcome conduct directed against an individual based on that individual’s Protected Status that is sufficiently severe or pervasive such that it limits or denies an individual’s employment, academic performance, or ability to participate in or benefit from University programs or activities. 

    Protected status means an individual’s race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, status as a veteran, or any classification protected by local, state, or federal law.

    For additional information, review our Policy Prohibiting Discrimination.

    Report Incidents of Discrimination or Harassment

  • Hazing

    Hazing is an act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group organization, could be seen by a reasonable person as conduct that: endangers the physical health of an individual or causes mental distress to an individual through, for example, humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning treatment; destroys or removes public or private property; involves the consumption of alcohol, other drugs, or other substances; or violates any of the policies of the University of Richmond. For additional information and resources about Hazing, visit the Center for Student Involvement.

    Any suspected hazing by an individual, group, or registered student organization should be reported to the University.

    Report a Hazing Incident

  • Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Harassment)

    The University of Richmond strongly supports and encourages prompt reporting of sexual misconduct. Reporting provides support and resources to survivors and contributes to keeping the campus safe.

    If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct, you should report the incident(s) to the University’s Title IX Coordinator and to the University Police Department. Instances of sexual misconduct may violate both the University’s Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct and the law.

    Unless designated as a confidential resource, all Responsible Employees are required to report incidents of possible sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinators and those employees designated as Campus Security Authorities must also report to the University Police.

    Students may also contact Tracy Cassalia, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 804-289-8464,

    Staff and faculty may also contact Geraldine Sullivan, Chief Human Resources Officer and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees, (804) 289-8747,

    More information and resources regarding sexual misconduct, including information on confidential resources on- and off-campus, is available at

    File a Title IX Report

  • Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

    All University of Richmond employees, contractors, and volunteer staff are considered Mandated Reporters (Code of Virginia §63.2-1509) and have the individual responsibility to immediately report the actual or suspected abuse or neglect of a child.

    If at any time you suspect a minor is being abused or neglected, you must notify ALL of the following as soon as possible but no more than 24 hours after having the suspicion: 

    • University of Richmond Police at 804-289-8715
    • Virginia Department of Social Services at 800-552-7096
    • Office of Risk Management

    For more information, visit the Office of Risk Management.

    Report Suspected Abuse or Neglect

  • Person of Concern
    Immediate Threat

    If immediate assistance is needed because of a threat to someone’s safety, call the police.

    On-campus situations: Call UR Police emergency (804-289-8911); or 8911 from any campus phone 

    Off-campus situations: Call 911 to access local police responders 

    Other Concerns

    For all other types of mental health, or safety concerns, or to convey a concern about a person please fill out our form.

    Report a Concern